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You are expected to pay for your office visits and any treatments by cash, check, credit or debit card at the time of treatment. We also work with most major dental insurances, and offer third party financing and payment options. To discuss your payment options or insurance coverage, please call 858-513-1747
We will be more than happy to submit all insurance forms for you and help you recover the most from your benefits. We will do everything we can to help you afford the treatment you need and want. For your convenience, we are pleased to accept Care Credit Patient Financing.
Below is a list of common questions about dental insurance:
Q: How does a dental plan work?
A: Almost all dental plans involve a contract between your employer and an insurance company. The amount your plan pays is agreed upon by your employer with the insurance company.
Q: What does my insurance pay for?
A: What’s covered by your dental plan is based on how much your employer pays into the plan. These standards are set by your insurance company, not by you or your dentist and therefore, it many times does not cover the entire fee associated with you procedures. Any portion of a dental bill not covered by your plan is your responsibility. This does not mean the treatment is not necessary. It simply means your insurance provider defines it that way. Although you may be tempted to decide on your dental care based on what insurance will pay, always remember that your health is more important than the price tag. The least expensive option is not usually the best.
HMO plans: Members must only visit their primary dentist who they have been assigned to and if they need referrals, they must be referred by their primary dentist. In return, the members enjoy discounted fees for their services. When it comes to a general dentist, the way insurance companies usually pay the doctor a monthly payment for each patient (On average $.50-$6.00 per person).
PPO Plans: Like an HMO, patients covered by PPO plans must use the professionals that are part of the PPO network if they are to receive the full insurance benefits using pre-negotiated a rate. Otherwise, their out of pocket is much higher. Please note that we are in network providers with almost all dental PPO’s.
Why don’t I get full coverage for dental work like I do for medical?
Dental benefits were never intended to offer 100% coverage, as medical insurance does. A dental procedure, even a rather large one, will not usually have such a financial impact on someone, as would most major medical procedures. Therefore, dental insurance was originally established and is still considered a benefit or assistance toward dental costs.